Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hello Everyone,
All packed up and ready to go!  Henry and I will be staying at Polly's house (friend and fabulous P.E. teacher)  until our plane leaves on the 31st.  I received several emails from teachers at the international school welcoming me. 
    Henry's breeder has a good friend who lives 15 minutes or so away from me in Naurod.  Small world isn't it!  She has two Rhodesian ridgebacks and is ready to have the dogs meet and play.  She will also take Henry and I to the place she boards her dogs so they can meet Henry. The boarding place picks up and drops off the dogs at your home.  Nice!  
   I spent some time last night on line looking at the schedules for last years primary class.  I will have 10 specialist times during the week, four German classes, two P.E., 1 art, 1 library, and 2 music. Lunch/Recess is 50 minutes with two additional recesses of 20 minutes each.  Sounds like heaven and I am not kidding about that!  I will probably be off the grid for awhile.   
   The phone and Internet have been set up in the apartment already, so I'll post once I arrive and get settled.
                                                    Auf Wiedersehen!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Henry and I have been busy getting ready for our big move to Germany on the 31st of July.  Things are happening quickly and everything has been working out really well.  The house has sold, things are in storage, 15 boxes have been mailed, and Henry's paperwork for entry into Germany is being filled out.  Rita the human resources person from the Frankfurt International School has found an apartment for us! It is very cute and located about 10 minutes from the school.  I found a dog walker and will meet her on the 3rd.  So excited about this move! 
Location, Location, Location- click here to view map