Saturday, August 23, 2014

An Afternoon in Wiesbaden

Yesterday afternoon I took the bus into Wiesbaden and wandered around the main market square area.  Every Saturday there is really nice market with cheeses, breads, meats, fruits, veggies  and other things.  The bus stops right by the market and the one that takes me home is only a couple of blocks away.  I have the bus schedule on my cell phone which is now working so I can find my way around.  This week I will sign up for Rosetta Stone, the school has a great deal for families and teachers.  Until next time... Hope everyone is well!


These are the flowers the neighbors brought to me after taking Henry on a walk last week.  It is sure nice to have such lovely people living next door!  Henry loves them and they sure enjoy him.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

While waiting for the bus....

I took these pictures while waiting for the bus to Wiesbaden.  This area is about 10 minutes from the apartment.  I didn't take any pictures in Wiesbaden because of the rain.  There is a large Saturday market that happens every Saturday.  It also happens to be wine fest there as well.  I met a teacher there from FIS and she showed me around the area.  I also got a library card!  There is a small English section in the city library and a large movie section.  I also got a German Sim card for my iPhone and got that all set up last night.  So if you are calling me from the states this is my new cell number... 49 011 0176 77812245   Until next time...

Friday, August 15, 2014

I met new students and families today!

Today was meet the teacher.  I met several families and students.  My room is ready and I think I am pretty ready.  I am working with some very nice people and feel like I have enough support to teach the PYP.. primary years program.  I'm getting used to my Mac and the Smart Board... little learning curve there as I have always been a pc user except the ipad and iPhone.... Tomorrow I am riding the bus into Wiesbaden and will meet a co-worker to get a sim card for my cell and wander the markets.  I should have some pictures to post after that!  Hope all is well with everyone!  School starts Monday!

Monday, August 11, 2014

The German Back-to-School Tradition Known as the Schultüte

 Today the 24 new teachers were introduced to the entire FIS staff at the Oberursel campus.  We were given a schultuete.  The tradition of the Schultuete or “school cone” is one of the most celebrated and long-standing traditions in Germany.  At the beginning of every school year, children all over Germany set off with their large and shiny Schultueten, also called school cones or sugar cones by many.  These large, colorful school cones, purchased or home-made, sweeten the child’s first day of school as they come filled with little gifts, school supplies and sweets. After the presentations we had a traditional German bratwurst and beer. I must say that this really has been one of the most fun starts to the school year I've ever had!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Ice Cube Trays & a Lesson in Garbage

I've been searching for ice cube trays.  Here is a photo of the ones I finally found!  It took me a while to find them and I think they will work fine.  Yesterday the new hires were given a lesson in "All Things German."  I never knew recycling could be so exhausting!  There are at least four different ways to sort your garbage so that you recycle properly.  I'm sure I will mess it up!  Today three of the four new hires for FIS went up to Oberursel for a presentation on the union and the Betriebsrat-which told us all about the German working laws. From what everyone is saying the Frankfurt International School is one of the best to work for, so once again feeling lucky!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Oberursel and Weinfest

Yesterday Annika my "social mentor" from FIS came to pick me up to go to Oberursel to meet with the other new teachers and mentors.  They have hired 14 teachers from abroad and 10 from within Germany. Those that could meet met at the train station and we took the train into town.  We took a guided walking tour of the old part of town.  We climbed the church tower and took in the views.  Later we went to the weinfest.  There we met a lot of  current teachers and administrators from FIS.  I was able to meet Amy the teacher who's place I am taking.  She has moved to the upper campus in Oberursel.  It will be great to have her help and know that she is close by if I have a question.  The winefest was crowed with wine, cheese, crackers, dogs and lots of people.  It was a great way to welcome us to FIS!

Our Neighborhood - Naurod

This morning I heard church bells in the distance.  Henry and I went out to walk one of the many loop trails in the area.  It was about a two mile walk through rolling hills and wheat fields. We met quite a few dogs with owners  everyone saying Guten Morgen. On our way back we went up the hill to the Frankfurt International School.  It is about a 10-15 minute walk.  At the school you can look back across the valley and see the apartment building next door.  We walked back home through town.  Most things are closed on Sundays with the exception of restaurants and the gas station. Bakeries are open in the morning until they are sold out, which I've heard is quick.  I guess this is the law of German. Time for spending with families.  It was very quite, Sunday is quiet day, no mowing the lawn, or putting out your garbage, etc. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Hello Everyone,
Henry and I made it to Germany safely!  The airline people were very nice and everyone loved him!  Hilary Lester picked us up at the airport and brought us to Naurod  (pronounced Nowrod)  to our apartment.  The town is very cute!  I met the landlord and really like the apartment.  She left several things that I will probably not use.  I have a great storage room down in the parking garage.  They also have a bike storage room and a laundry room downstairs which is where people keep their washer and dryers. Everything is in German so I will need to bring my translator!  The apartment is in a great location.  It is right across walking and biking trails.  It is about 10-15 minutes to walk to the school.  I got the internet/phone  hooked up and that is good because it is all in German!  Hilary took me grocery shopping so I am set for the week.  I hope to get out this week and take some photos of the area.  Karen