Sunday, August 3, 2014

Our Neighborhood - Naurod

This morning I heard church bells in the distance.  Henry and I went out to walk one of the many loop trails in the area.  It was about a two mile walk through rolling hills and wheat fields. We met quite a few dogs with owners  everyone saying Guten Morgen. On our way back we went up the hill to the Frankfurt International School.  It is about a 10-15 minute walk.  At the school you can look back across the valley and see the apartment building next door.  We walked back home through town.  Most things are closed on Sundays with the exception of restaurants and the gas station. Bakeries are open in the morning until they are sold out, which I've heard is quick.  I guess this is the law of German. Time for spending with families.  It was very quite, Sunday is quiet day, no mowing the lawn, or putting out your garbage, etc.