Sunday, August 3, 2014

Oberursel and Weinfest

Yesterday Annika my "social mentor" from FIS came to pick me up to go to Oberursel to meet with the other new teachers and mentors.  They have hired 14 teachers from abroad and 10 from within Germany. Those that could meet met at the train station and we took the train into town.  We took a guided walking tour of the old part of town.  We climbed the church tower and took in the views.  Later we went to the weinfest.  There we met a lot of  current teachers and administrators from FIS.  I was able to meet Amy the teacher who's place I am taking.  She has moved to the upper campus in Oberursel.  It will be great to have her help and know that she is close by if I have a question.  The winefest was crowed with wine, cheese, crackers, dogs and lots of people.  It was a great way to welcome us to FIS!